Friday, October 5, 2012

Wednesday Early Dismissals

I often get asked what our teachers do on the Wednesdays when the district dismisses an hour early. Like any profession it is extremely important for educators to hone their craft.  The staff is involved in professional collegial conversations about curriculum mapping, formative assessment, effective instruction, and Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW). 

By dismissing an hour early every Wednesday our teachers are engaged in regular conversations, discuss issues in more “real time”, and allow peers to provide timely feedback on their lessons and assessments.

At one time a teacher was similar to an independent contractor.  The teacher would go into their room, close the door, and teach whatever they wanted to teach.  Many times the education your child would get depended upon which teacher the student was assigned.  The research shows that student achievement increases when teachers collaborate and the curriculum becomes guaranteed from teacher to teacher.

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